Pet's Pick Uber paper bedding is the ultimate lightweight, soft, dust-free bedding for small pets. We use only virgin, food-grade paper fibers in our bedding. This food-grade paper is super-absorbent (6 times its weight) and dust free. Independent tests show Uber to be 99.9% dust-free to maintain a clean space and protect your pet's habitat. You and your pet deserve a clean, fresh-smelling home. Uber offers a 14-day odor control which lasts longer than any other type of bedding. But don't forget to change your pet's bedding at least once a week. Even if it doesn't bother your nose, your small pet might feel differently.
- Pets Pick 36L White Uber Pet Bedding, Hamster, Rabbit, Rat
- For over five decades, we’ve been providing the ultimate in pet comfort with high-quality Uber paper bedding and soft Aspen, Pine, and Cedar wood shavings that pets love.
- Pets Pick Paper is made from pre-consumer paper that’s safe and easy to clean. Our high-quality, lightweight paper give small pets the safety and comfort they deserve with 14 days of litter box odor control.
- 99% dust free-virtually dust free to maintain a safe space for your pet that's quick and easy for you to clean.
- Safe for Pets- Clean material without chemical additives
- Ideal for all small animals- gerbils, hamsters, mice, guinea pigs, rats, chinchillas, rabbits, and ferrets.
- Soft, Cozy, 14 day odor control, expands 3x its size, absorbs 6x its weight, dust free
- Great for pets that like to nest
- Made from pre consumer recycled material
- Instructions for Use: Cover cage floor with 2–3 inches of loose bedding. Change bedding at least once a week, remove all bedding and clean the enclosure. Always replace bedding with fresh product and discard the old. A clean cage will help keep your pet clean and safe from developing respiratory problems due to ammonia buildup.
- Our Quality Pledge: We have been providing pet comfort and odor control for over five decades. Pets Pick makes the highest-quality bedding available. We choose only quality, natural materials. Good for People, Good for the Planet: Our products are all-natural and contain zero artificial or unsafe chemical additives. We strive to make a positive contribution to the environment through total waste utilization.